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銀山温泉 藤屋

銀山温泉 藤屋



Blessed with serene forests and natural mineral waters,
Ginzan is the perfect place to relax and forget your troubles.

ようこそ ――― ここは、心なごむ場所です。


Welcome to Ginzan Hot Spring and Fujiya Inn. Located in the heart of the mountains, Ginzan is a step back in time. Come visit our town with its beautiful scenery, silver mines, traditional inns, and natural hot spring baths. Fall, winter, spring, and summer --each brings its own unique atmosphere and seasonal foods. You will be sure to enjoy your stay anytime of the year. We look forward to having you as our guest. Please let us know if we can make your stay more enjoyable.



A three-story, all-wooden structure preserved from the Taisho era, Fujiya is a traditional inn with the modern conveniences.

身も心も心地よく・・・・・・ くつろぎのひととき。



泉質・泉温  ・・・  含食塩硫化水素泉、 63.2度
浴用効能  ・・・  火傷、慢性皮膚病、婦人科疾患、リウマチ性疾患、神経痛、痔疾、切傷等
(入浴回数 1日 4〜5回)
飲用効能  ・・・  貧血、慢性便秘、糖尿病、高血圧症、胃腸病、肥満症、胃酸減少病等
(1回量100ml、 1日2回服用が限度)

Improve your health with a bath!
Bathing in the natural hot spring has beneficial effects on : Burns, fatigue, muscle soreness, rheumatics, neuralgia, and general aches and pains.
Drinking the mineral waters can help relieve : anaemia, diabetes, high blood pressure, stomach and intestinal disorders, and gastric achorhydria.
For maximum effect, frequent bathing is recommended.
Temperature : 63.2

Fujiya has three baths : separate men's and woman's baths, and individual bath for those who prefer more privacy.


●和風建築 木造三層造り

●客室 8室(和室)

●宿泊人員 21名様

●お風呂 貸切風呂(4つ)、露天風呂あり

●宴会場 大広間、

●その他 茶室、銀山の歴史資料を展示、
The Facilities

A three-story, all-wooden, traditional Japanese-style inn.

Guest rooms 8 (Japanese style)

Capacity 21 guests

Three Baths Men's, Woman's and Family Bath.

Two banquet halls Large Banquet Hall
Small Banquet Hall


山形県・銀山温泉  旅館 藤屋
〒999-4333 山形県尾花沢市大字銀山新畑443
TEL 0237-28-2141 / FAX 0237-28-2140


Fujiya Ryokan
443 Shinpata Oaza Ginzan
Obanazawa-shi Yamagata-ken, 999-4333.